Sanat Academy – Results Of The Year 2022

Sanat Academy was established in 2019 by Sanatmetal Ltd. The reasons for establishing Sanat Academy were the tightening European regulations and the pressing requirements within the industry. The worldwide obstacles of the past two years made progression difficult for the organization. However, in the year 2022, we managed to develop in many areas and we were able to support our Partners through our work. In this newsletter, we would like to summarize the last year work of the Academy.
In 2022, we managed to organize five domestic courses. We delivered our Joint replacement and Fracture treatment I. course to 3 Hungarian university cities (Pécs, Győr, Szeged). Furthermore, our advanced training, Joint replacement and Fracture treatment I., ended successfully in Eger. We are very pleased that last year in Mátrafüred, during the Congress of the Spine Society, we held our first training in spine stabilization. We hope that we can improve our spine courses in 2023.
As a result of the uncertainty caused by Covid-19 and security decisions due to the war situtation, we have rescheduled the international Sanat Academy trainings. Regardless of everything, the instructors of the Sanat Academy were able to participate in some Sanatmetal international traingings: in Italy, Romania and Tunisia. Our Sanatmetal-Sanat Academy team held a five day workshop roadshow in Portugal with the involvement of the local partner and Portugese hospitals, where they introduced Sanatmetal products to local doctors and hospital stuff. In 2022, two more international online course took place with the cooperation of our instructors.
In 2022, several of our foreign distributors and their medical partners visited us in Eger. Our instructors held trainings to the doctors coming from Colombia, Jordan and Greece.
Last but not least, we are proud that, in 2022, Sanatmetal held its first international online webinar in cooperation with EFORT and the instuctors of the Academy.
In 2022, the Sanat Academy team prepared several training materials: catalogues, brochures, surgical descriptions, movies and videos.
Regarding the materials, please contact your Sanatmetal Sales representative or register in the Knowledgebase menu on the website of Sanatmetal. After registration you can access the latest uplodaded documents.
Thank You for Your cooperation throughout the year, we hope for joint successes in 2023!