Modern Sample Factory Program 2023

Sanatmetal Ltd. has been welcoming guests within Modern Sample Factory Program since last year, in which Hungary’s most prominent companies present their innovative solutions which can serve as an example for others.
The project aims to strengthen the communication and knowledge-sharing between the local micro, small and medium businesses focusing on organizational renewal and the benefits caused by technological change, with all this improving the competitiveness of Hungarian companies and speeding up the pace of their development.
We earned the Modern Sample Factory title with our Industry 4.0 solutions, such as the integrated company management system, the real-time monitoring of data collection or the robotization which is an important step forward for our company in automation.
This year we welcomed leaders of several Hungarian companies from different industries who had a chance to get to know our Industry 4.0 strategy and during a factory tour they were able to observe our daily operation, manufacturing culture and technological processes.
We are proud that we were able to develop even during the last few challenging years. Currently through the expansion of the instrument manufacturing we are looking for new colleagues who can further increase Sanatmetal’s knowledge.
We hope that the participants gained useful knowledge and in the future we can keep our active role in the program.